Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Name of Jesus: Brit Hume and Tiger Woods

There is and has never been anything more controversial than the name of Jesus. It is the only name given among men whereby we must be saved (Acts 4: 12), but it is also the name that stirs up more animosity than any other. Christians are being persecuted more in America today than at any other time in our nations history, simply because of His wonderful name. If you've never done so, I recommend reading Franklin Graham's book The Name, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2002, in which Dr. Graham addresses the bigotry associated with the name of Jesus.

Last week a noble news journalist, Brit Hume, came under attack because he referred to the dreaded "J" word. Actually, he didn't use the name of Jesus directly. He used the word "Christianity", which in our fallen society is disdained as much as "Jesus". I had heard and seen Mr. Hume's remarks several times, but give thanks to one of my parishioners, Bill Wilcox, for forwarding me this Internet link to both his initial remarks and a subsequent interview with Bill O'Reilly. The link is: http://www.thecypresstimes.com/article/News/Opinion_Editorial/BRIT_HUME_TIGER_WOODS_AND_JESUS/26723

Whether or not you like either Brit Hume or Bill O'Rilley, I challenge you to take a few minutes and watch both clips. As Christians of diverse political persuasions, we must rally behind Brit Hume. He has both the right as an American and the mandate as a Christian to lovingly speak the truth about God's love and forgiveness. His invitation to Tiger Woods to explore the grace of God was extended in a non-threatening, non-intrusive manner, but he is coming under great attack. I thank God that in the world of political correctness, there was a man who stood on truth and principle. Pray with me that God will protect Brit Hume, his family and his career. Pray with me that Tiger Woods will hear the invitation with a conviction of heart and turn to Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

  1. All Hell breaks loose out of fear that someone will come over to Christ. Satan doesn’t get upset if the number of Buddhists in the world increases. He doesn’t get angry if another Atheist steps forward. He’s not even concerned about the casual, convenient Christian who follows the smooth talking Candy Man who scratches itching ears.

    I love that quote from the article!
